How To Make Money From Google Fortunes

Recently, when I was browsing the internet, I saw a report about Google the giant search engine we all use every day. In the report, I was able to deduce that Google made $29.3 billion in revenues for all of 2010. This only happened in 2010 alone, what about in 2011? That will be another story entirely.
From my research, I found out that Google receives an estimated 1 billion unique visitors every month i.e. 1 in 7 people in the universe. It is hard for anyone to use the internet without using Google.
Today, I want to expose a secret of Google to all. The secret is that the 97% of Google’s revenue come from advertising. Are you saying what the essence of all this post is? I wrote this post so as to awaken us about how much we can make from Google. Although we cannot all work with Google, but we can earn from Google by enrolling for Google Adsense program.

What is Google Adesense?

AdSense is a wonderful advertising concept that was conceived by Google some time back. Though new advertising concepts keep coming up all the time, this one is something that is altogether different.
AdSense (Google’s advertising program) presents an earning opportunity to the website owners by allowing Google to post advertisements on their websites. These advertisements are either text advertisements or image based advertisements.

How to Make Money with Google Adsense?

Google AdSense program requires you (the website owner) to include a piece of code (a programming script) on your website. You can add this piece of code anywhere in the html code of your website i.e. depending on where you want to position the advertisements (however, there are certain rules that you must follow while pasting this scripting code). This piece of code is what determines the structure of advertisements and their content (and this is what helps Google in floating the advertisements on your website). W hen people visit your website they are able to see these advertisements. Your earnings are based on how many Google Ads are displayed on your website and also based on how many times visitors to your website actually click on one of those Ads. The Google AdSense system calculates your revenue on per-click (CPC) and per-thousand-Ads-displayed (CPM) basis. The latter is also known as impressions.

How Can I Make Money With Google Adsense Without a Website?

Are you a kind of person that is too busy to create a website or blog but want to make money online with Google Adsense Program? There is a solution and a way out for you. You can easily make money from Google Adsense program with some website online, all you have to do is to register with these websites, write a reasonable and unique article, share it with friends online and make money. But one thing is that all these websites will share your earnings with you. Out of the entire website that does this, I prefer to use HUBPAGES, I have use them and make some reasonable €uro from them though they will have the 40% of my earnings while the remaining 60% goes to me. The money I made from HUBPAGES wasn’t much until I start my own personal blog where I keep the 100% of my earnings from Google.
Start Today.
My piece of advice to everybody reading this post is to start today, you need to start somewhere.
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
If you can’t start a paid blog today then start a free one, If you find a free one complicated then start writing post that interest you most on HUBPAGES and start making money with Google Adsense program.
If your aim and target is to make a minimum of $1000 online monthly, you got to start from somewhere, you could be making a $50 per month as a starter, but you just have to be focus and persist in little time, I am very sure you will make it if you decide to be committed to your plans today.

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